Monday, December 25, 2017

Merry Christmas

Christmas with a three year old has been pretty fun this year! This is the first year that Anna's really been interested in specific things and has talked about Santa coming. All season she's been very cautious about seeing Santa and him coming into our house. She decided she wanted to visit him at his house in our down town area. She was all excited until her turn was next... she was very shy, quickly ran to get his candy cane and ran back to Tim and I. She refused to sit on his lap and made me hold her to get a picture next to him. But... it was improvement from two years ago - no tears. :)

Our family has been very lucky to celebrate Christmas several times over the last couple of weeks, with lots of family and friends. Anna was gifted with lots of fun toys from family and Santa. Daddy and I got her a new twin bed, rug and shelving unit for her "big girl room". With all the focus on Brother lately it was nice to spoil her a bit over the last few weeks.

Christmas looks a lot different this year than I expected it to at the beginning of the year. I thought we'd be celebrating the twins' first Christmas with two little wiggly six month olds, but instead, we hung their stockings to remember them. Although there's still sadness of them not joining us, we are anxiously awaiting the arrival of Brother in less than two months! We have lots to be thankful for this year, despite the challenges we've been faced with.

From our family to yours, we hope you have a very Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 21, 2017

30 & 31 Weeks

Thursday, December 7th - 30 weeks
Something about getting to 30 weeks today really gets me excited and feels like an accomplishment. It's like we're in the home stretch! The longer you're in there, the less nervous I get about you being born early. I know that nothing is guaranteed, but I feel like as each week passes, your chance of survival just increases that much more.

Your movements have been getting so much more interesting. You're still sitting pretty low, but because you're getting bigger and running out of room, your movements are a lot more noticeable from the outside, especially when I'm reclining or laying. It's so fun to watch you jerk around and guess what we're seeing - a head, your back, legs, arms?! Sometimes it feels like you're doing the worm! You've had some really strong kicks/punches lately which always catch me off guard! But this is absolutely my favorite part about being pregnant. I love feeling you move all day long and I especially love watching you move in the evenings. Every little (or big) jab is an excellent reminder of how lucky we are that you're still doing well. Along with your movements, comes some tightness in my belly sometimes. I can't tell if these are Braxton Hicks or just the way you're positioned at the time. They don't hurt too bad, just a weird tight feeling and don't typically stick around for long. I know it's pretty normal to be having Braxton Hicks around this time (and I think I did with Anna). I'll have to run it by my nurse on Monday and see what she thinks.

Sunday, December 10 - 30w, 3d

Your room is painted! It was a big deal for me to get the room painted because it's one step closer to becoming your room and farther away from being the office. I love the blue we chose - it looks excellent on the wall and on your crib.

One wall is blue and the rest are gray
Your room is far from done and ready, but I feel like we made good progress this weekend. It's going to be tough getting anything done the next two weekends because of family Christmases, so I foresee Daddy working some evenings after work to keep going on some projects. We're quickly running out of time before you're here, but I don't care, I'm getting so excited!

Your little head or booty sticking up!
Monday, December 11 - 30w, 4d
I had an appointment today with the nurse practitioner at MFM and everything is going well. Sugars have been decent the last two weeks and your constant movements let us know that you're doing well, too. Your heart rate was 140s-150s today, my weight gain is good (about 13lbs so far) and that's about it. Nothing exciting, which is good. Even though we're within single-digit weeks of you being born, we need you to stay comfy for several more!

Thursday, December 14 - 31 weeks
We're two months (and one day) away from your official due date! I'm heading to CF clinic today, so I'm curious to see what my numbers look like. I started inhaled TOBI about a week ago and it slowly seems to be helping. I'm guessing (and hoping) I won't have to go back until after you're born. I am not looking forward to the long drive today!

Monday, December 18 - 31w, 4d
My clinic appointment went well on Thursday. My lung function remains at 85% and my small airways even increased slightly, so that's always good to hear. I'm not a big fan of the way TOBI is making me feel (scratchy cough, dry mouth), but it seems to be helping for now. Dr. Dowell did say that I am welcome to stop TOBI at any time and get back on Cayston. I'm coming up on two weeks on TOBI, so I'm hoping to stick it out the full four weeks to introduce my lung bacteria to a new med that it hasn't been exposed to in years.
The doctor wants me to come back one more time in January, but as long as I'm feeling well, I'm not planning on going. I do not have enough sick days to cover my maternity leave, so I don't want to use up one more before I have Brother.

We celebrated our first family Christmas on Saturday with Tim's whole family. It was a lot of fun hanging out with everyone! Anna had a good time with her cousins, even took a nap for a while in between all of her fun. It was all fine and dandy until Anna threw up four-five times on the way home. It's an hour drive between Grandma's and home, but Saturday night took us about two hours. The poor girl was complaining of a stomach ache about 20 minutes into our ride, so we figured she had to go to the bathroom and told her we'd stop at the next gas station....until we heard the all too familiar sound. :( We pulled over and got her cleaned up as best as we could. Thankfully she had received some new clothes and jammies that day, so we changed her into those. This happened three more times on the way home and we were quickly running out of things to clean her up with and things to change her into. It was a long, exhausting, late night.
It turns out, whatever she had eaten must not have agreed with her. Even though we all ate the same stuff, her body did not like something. She ended up puking up absolutely everything in her tummy, even after we got home. Finally, around 4am, she was done and was able to get some sleep. Thankfully, when she woke up yesterday, she was on the mend. She was able to keep down water, then some medicine, then apple sauce and toast. By early afternoon, I had to keep her from jumping on her bed - she was feeling back to normal! I'm really grateful that she didn't have a fever to go along with it and that it only lasted those 12ish hours. I'm also very glad that she is feeling back to herself and can go to school for these last few days before break, and that Tim and I didn't get sick right along with her.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

28 & 29 Weeks

Thursday, November 23 - 28 weeks
Happy Thanksgiving! I am beyond thankful to be having such a normal, easy, healthy pregnancy this time around! I'm so excited to officially be in the third trimester now -- you'll be here before we know it!
Today was a busy, but productive day. Daddy finished the ceiling in your bedroom and hung your ceiling fan. Tomorrow I'm hoping he'll clear out the room so we can finally paint the walls! We also started putting up our Christmas decorations around the house today. I'd love to get a tree soon so we can put the presents around it, since they've been wrapped since Halloween. This year we have six stockings hanging along the mantel. Mommy, Daddy, Anna, Baby A, Baby B and yours. :) It was a little sad seeing their little stockings and name plates from last year, but I plan to keep them up in memory of your brothers.

Sunday, November 26 - 28w, 3d
Back to the daily grind tomorrow and finally another ultrasound! We had a great, relaxing yet productive weekend. I always look forward to this weekend because we get to spend so much time together as a family. Its the longest weekend we typically have off together all year.

I'm really looking forward to your ultrasound tomorrow because it's been six weeks since you've been measured and about a month since we've had an ultrasound. I'm sure you're going to look so much bigger! I just hope you're not getting too big.

Tuesday, November 28 - 28w, 5d
I had your appointment yesterday and everything went very well. You are definitely not too big, in fact, measured small-normal at around the 13th percentile. At first this concerned me a bit because the last time you were measured, you were in the 45th percentile, so that seemed like a big drop to me, but the nurse assured me that they aren't worried at all. She said you could have been going through a growth spurt the last time you were measured.

Needless to say, I don't think we're going to have any issues with you getting too big by the end of this pregnancy. I think we're actually going to be more aware that you're not too small...just like we did with Anna. Your estimated weight was about 2lbs 7oz which is right on track according to the nurse and my apps, so that's really good. I thought you looked so big in there, and completely squished. You were moving all around while the tech was measuring you and had your legs in front of your face pretty much the whole time. Every now and then you'd peek out between your legs and we'd see your nose and lips. You were also clapping the bottoms of your feet together at one point which was pretty funny. We also saw you practicing your breathing, which is excellent that you're doing that already.

I'll go back in two weeks for just a regular check-up, no ultrasound. And then after that, I go back right after Christmas and I'll be 32 weeks, so that's when the appointments will start happening twice weekly because of the gestational diabetes. Speaking of, my sugars have been better - although, not the best when we eat out at Chinese or Culver's! But, for right now, they are not increasing my insulin since overall the numbers seem to be getting better, so I was happy about that. Yesterday, I also got the whopping cough vaccine, so that I can pass some of it on to you before you're born.

Monday, December 4 - 29w, 4d
Wow, December already - that means you'll be here in just two short months! I'm so excited! I can't wait to snuggle your little squishy self! Although, it's going to be a long two months because the last few days my discomfort has really kicked in. I've been having a hard time getting comfortable when sleeping, standing/walking for too long makes me hurt, and standing after sitting or laying is not fun either. I don't know how I'm going to make it another two months - lots of sitting.
A coworker made the comment yesterday, "you better watch it because that's how it all started last time". I didn't even think of that, but she's right. I was getting really uncomfortable like this a few weeks before I had the boys. But somehow, this feels different. This feels like normal pregnancy progression discomfort. I'm not having any leaking or discharge and Brother is moving around all the time, which is really reassuring. I go back to the doctor a week from today, so we'll see how I feel then and I'll definitely be bringing it up if I become concerned.
In other news, we are still completely stuck on what to name you! I thought we had it narrowed down to a couple choices, but then we look at lists again and add/change things. I really hope we can choose soon because it's driving me crazy! I had a dream the other night that we had you home from the hospital for a week and you still didn't have a name. Your name is going to end up just being Brother! Ha!