Thursday, October 11, 2012

New Color

**Note: Mucus talk, don't read if you don't want to learn about my mucus.
Last week I posted how I was starting to get a sinus infection or something. Well I increased my treatments to 3-4 a day over the weekend, 2 on Tuesday (back to work) and 3 yesterday. Unfortunately, I developed a dry, itchy cough as of Tuesday, so we (doctor, nurse and I) decided to start me on Cipro. I took my first dose last night and I'll be on it for two weeks. This morning after taking a shower, I had my first big cough of the morning and I coughed up a big glob of brownish, rust-colored mucus. This is definitely a new color for me. Coincidence that I took my first dose of Cipro before bed and this is what I cough out the following morning? Or is it just all of the extra treatments moving this (I'm assuming) old mucus out of my lungs? Or could it be that I walked two miles yesterday evening? Interesting...

Either way, at least things are moving around in there because I'd rather have a productive cough to get it out, than have a dry scratchy one where everything's just sitting down there. And I'll be honest, I was tempted to take a picture because I was so surprised by this, but I didn't know if that would just be too much... :-) Anyway, if anyone has any ideas of where this nasty colored stuff came from (duh, my lungs), or why it is this color, or if you've had this before, I'm very interested. I'm not usually one to discuss my mucus - I think it's totally disgusting and I HATE spitting - but this kind of blew my mind at 5:15 in the morning. :-)
*This is the first post that I've labeled 'mucus' after over 140 posts!


  1. if it's rust-colored it almost sounds like there is a little old spotting mixed in there? Not sure, though. And I've come so close to taking pics of my mucus before too. I have coughed up practically all the colors of the rainbow, right down to BLACK!!! It's so nasty. I always make Mahon look at it, LOL! I think it's ALWAYS a good sign when old mucus is moving out, though. Better out than in!

    1. It was the same color first thing this morning, too. I've been taking my Cipro right before bed, so I'm wondering if that's what the Cipro is breaking up over night - weird. After about 5-10 minutes of coughing and spitting, it's back to greenish or clear, so that's what makes me think it's old, deep-down stuff.
      I can't believe you had black mucus before, crazy!!

  2. I have been on Cipro for about a week, just a ten day course this time and the first couple of days I was coughing up nasty stuff. I am sure that thanks to your extra treatments you are bringing up old gunk, too. I have about two days left and can't wait to stop because I have had the worst tummy ache for the past few days, I can belch like a 50 year old trucker :) Do you ever get tummy issues on Cipro? I never used to but the last time I was on it in March I had an upset tummy, too :(

    Hope you feel back to normal soon!!

    1. I've been getting up a lot of lovely junk the past few days (started Cipro Wed). I've never had any problems while on Cipro. I do have to make sure I'm taking it with food otherwise I feel very sick. And it's tricky to not take it so close with dairy, so I try to take the first dose with my lunch at work (11am) and then my second dose right before bed (9-10pm). Last time I was on it (spring, maybe) I remember getting headaches, but like I said, I haven't noticed any side effects with this dose, thank goodness. Hoe you're feeling better! :)
