Thursday, June 28, 2012

Eat More & Keep Running

That's what I've taken away from my doctors appointment today. I've been feeling fantastic lately: lots of energy, been coughing up way more mucus than I thought I could possibly have in my lungs (sorry, TMI) from all of my running, less bloating/stomach issues...all around very good! So I was anxious for my doctors appointment today to see if my PFTs would reflect the way I feel....of course they don't! They weren't bad, but they weren't 90 like I wanted.

My current FEV1 is 85% which is only slightly up from last time so it's considered 'unchanged' which is a good thing. As long as it's not going down, then we're good to go. My doctor and the guy who did the PFTs with me both told me that it's good that I'm not going down and I know they're right, it's just frustrating that I've been working so hard at running that I was expecting a bigger result. I was able to give a big sputum sample (sorry again for TMI) today which typically isn't me but I explained to her how I'm getting so much more up from all of my exercise and she was very happy about that. She said that being in the mid-80s could just be my baseline and that anything from 80-120 (someone please explain to me how you can have over 100% lung function) is considered normal so she's very please with where I'm at. I'm not mad about where I'm at because I feel excellent and that's what matters

My weight has gone down to 115lbs but we contributed that to the added exercise and burning calories, so I need to continue stuffing my face - even more than I do - so that I can add a few more pounds back on. It seems like, from looking back at my health stats, that 122lbs would be a good goal for me so that's what I'll shoot for. Any suggestions on how to keep weight on while exercising would be excellent. :-)

We also discussed my new job and that Tim and I have to move and depending on my insurance, my goal is to continue going to this clinic. I do NOT want to leave because I love my doctor and nurse, and I'm willing to make the trip as long as insurance allows it. I'll know more about this in a couple months once I get all of the new stuff straightened out. 

So, overall I'm going to keep running at least two miles 2-3 days a week and increase my calorie intake to hopefully gain a few more pounds before my next visit this fall. I'd say that's a pretty good visit. :-)

Monday, June 25, 2012

Complete 180!

I cannot believe how much our world has changed in the past week! It's beginning to sink in that I'll have my own classroom in the fall, but it's also crazy how much we need to do between now and then.
*Find a place to live -- kind of tricky when we live so far away
*Pack -- ewww, I hate packing! Anyone have any extra boxes??
*Set up my classroom -- The best part!!!
*Find a new CF doctor...possibly -- I'm going to my CF clinic this Thursday, so we'll be talking then - more to come on that later this week.
*Help Tim find a job
*Figure out new insurance, transfer prescriptions to local pharmacy, etc.

I felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders when I found out I got the job, but now it's all of these extra things that make me feel a little weighed down again. But at the same time, I'm so excited so it's kind of like a happy stress....if there is such a thing. :-)

Oh, I've also been kind of really slacking on my running this week. It's been so crazy, and really hot, that I just haven't forced myself to get back out there after my 5K. Finally, this evening it was gorgeous outside I made myself go for a run and it felt great! I started off walking because I had a cramp in my left side, so I walked the first mile, but then Kelly Clarkson's "What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger" came on and I just had to run! I ended up running about another two miles on top of the one I walked and my legs didn't even hurt! I think I am finally getting stronger and building up some endurance! :) As I mentioned above I have my next clinic appointment on Thursday, so I'm trying to get all the calories I can get and get as much mucus out of my lungs as possible. I'm very anxious to see what my PFTs look like on Thursday!

And now for the best, most exciting, part of my post! My friend Kristen and I went to a sidewalk sale at a teacher store today - the first time I've been to a teacher store as a real teacher! - and everything outside was 50% off! WOO HOO! Here's what I got:

Bulletin board boarders, cute little reading posters for my reading area,
an awesome plan book, literacy centers book, cute card game (good center),
and name tags that I can put their picture on (great for learning everyone's name)
The basic necessities
Again, more basics
I saw this and had to get it! I just love it!
Great way to teach the kids nice things to say
to their friends instead of always 'good job'. 
My sideways alphabet. Don't know why it's turned this way & don't know how to fix it, sorry.
It's called "Amusing Animals Alphabet" because the pictures are silly, but it has
an animal to go with each letter and it's colorful. :)
This came with the alphabet, little alliteration stories to go with each letter.
I don't think I'll put these up on the wall, but they'll be fun to read together. 
And this was my big splurge! It's called "morning meeting solution"
and comes with calendar, weather, 100 chart, place value for how many days of school,
shapes, colors, and a couple other little posters = AWESOME!
Can't wait to put it all together and hang it up. I need to get lots of Velcro for all of it!
And this is my second favorite thing I bought today! It's a
welcome sign for my classroom door! The frogs are so hilarious!
It comes with all of these cut outs. I'd like mine to say "Welcome to
Mrs. Veitengruber's Kindergarten Class" but I'll probably
change my mind a million times. 
I'm super excited about everything I bought today! And it was all 50% off!! So it looks like I'm not going to have a specific theme for my room, but I guess I would consider it fun and colorful! I feel like I got a lot of good basics today and don't plan on buying much of anything else until I'm in my classroom and see what I have and what I still need. I can't wait to hang all of this up and I will for sure be taking pictures once it's all put together. Only 57 more days til the first day of Kindergarten! :-)

Sunday, June 24, 2012

It's Been a Long Time Coming!!!


On Monday, June 18th I interviewed for a Kindergarten position in a school district about three hours south of where we currently live. I left the interview feeling amazing and telling myself that THIS is where I want to work and if I didn't get this job I was going to be crushed! Less than 24 hours later, the principal of the school was calling me to tell me that he was putting my paperwork into the HR department and that he'd like to offer me the position! I couldn't be more excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Being in that school just felt right and on my three hour drive back I was picturing myself in their building as a teacher. I'm not going to lie, I've just about pictured myself in every building after I left, just to see how it felt, but there was something about this one....I just wanted it more.

After graduating two years ago and spending the last two years applying for 100s of jobs in many different states, and being a teaching assistant for two years, my time has finally come. I don't have a lot of details just yet, but I do know that I will be teaching Kindergarten, full day, in a pretty awesome elementary school with amazing staff. I do know the first day of school (which will be a full day - yikes!) is Monday, August 20th and the week prior will be New Teacher Orientation and Institute Days.

I can't wait to start going through my boxes labeled 'teaching stuff' that have just been sitting in our basement collecting dust. I can't wait to get a new teacher wardrobe! I can't wait to get in my classroom to organize and decorate --- don't worry, I'll be posting plenty of pictures! After my interview on Monday, I did get a tour of the school and I was able to see my classroom, which of course made me want the position even more. I was already giving myself ideas on my drive home Monday night. Now, I've finally got a Pinterest account and I can make those ideas into a reality for my classroom! :-) I do know that I will have lots of bulletin board space, chalk boards (hopefully stores still sell chalk ;)) and a Promethean Board.

That means that this summer Tim, Archie (our cat) and I will have to pack up and find a new place to live. I'm really excited to be starting a new chapter in our lives, but I am extremely sad to leave all of the wonderful people that I've worked/taught with for the past two years, plus all of our friends in the area. We will be much closer to almost all of Tim's family which I'm very excited about, and now we'll be making trips up north to see all of my family when the time comes.

It's going to be a crazy-busy summer with being an assistant in special education summer school and now getting prepared for my new job, and moving three hours away, but I couldn't be more excited with the way things are turning out. I guess it's true: Good things come to those who wait... (But if you told me that a week ago, I would have rolled my eyes as I was applying for more jobs.)

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Feelin' on Top of the World!

Today, I am able to cross one of my goals off my list! I completed my first 5K without stopping to walk, in just over 35 minutes!!!

It's official: Runner #196
I will admit, I was extremely nervous before I first started because I have been working towards this goal for months! I arrived about 15 minutes before start time, got all registered, then just hung out with Tim until the race began. There were three sections to choose from for where to line up: competitive runners, recreational runners, and walkers. I chose the second section because my personal goal was to just finish the race without stopping to walk.

There were over 750 registered runners and walkers - kids from 5 years old to adults in their 50s and 60s, it was so cool! When the gun went off to begin I was ready to go! Unfortunately there were a ton of people in the way so the start was slow. But once I was going for a few minutes, it seemed to thin out a little and I was able to find a steady pace for myself. I got the chills running past people who were clapping and cheering us on, it was such an amazing feeling!

There were several people in the neighborhood we ran through that had sprinklers and hoses going into the street, so I ran through as many of those as I could. I also grabbed two cups of water along the way - but it is very hard to drink water while running, so I kind of just splashed it on my face and kept going.

There was not once along the route where I felt the need to walk! My legs never hurt the entire time! I definitely fed off the energy of everyone around me and I was just so proud of myself for doing this! It was such an amazing experience and what a great feeling it was coming around that track knowing that I was going to finish feeling excellent. When I finished I wasn't completely out of breath or hurting - I felt like I could have gone around the track another time or two! Needless to say, I'm very proud of myself for accomplishing my goal today and I'm look forward to finding another local 5K to complete this summer. :-)
Crossing the finish line!!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Kinder Quotes

It's been a while since I've posted some good kinder quotes. I know there have been more but I've been terrible about writing them down this school year. I've been working on this short list for a few months now and I completely forgot it was in my 'drafts' folder. Sorry it's so short, enjoy! :-)

*We were watching the presidential speech to students and when Obama walked on screen, one of the students yelled, "Shhh, it's the principal!"

*A student farted while on the carpet. Instead of saying 'excuse me', he chose to say: "That was a mega fart!"

*"This classroom is a pain in my head!" I'm guessing a combination of 'a pain in the ass' and a 'headache' -- he chose his words wisely.

*A child wasn't following directions so I made him go to the end of the line in the hallway and he yelled at me, "I'm going to call the SPCA on you!" (The ASPCA is American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)

*One of my students decided to moon a couple of kids in front of a sub while I was at the back of the classroom helping other kids. When the sub came and told me about it I was shocked! When I asked the student what he was doing, he replied with a huge grin and his hands on his hips, "I was shaking my booty!" He, of course, is the cutest kid in class and it was SO hard not to laugh and to discipline him!!

Featured Blogger!

I am the "featured blogger" for the next two weeks on the CF Blogroll! Feel free to head over there to check it out! :-)
Cindy, who created this awesome site filled with CF blogs, features a new CF blogger every two weeks. I think it's an excellent way to connect with other CFers, or just to read about their stories/experiences.

Thanks, Cindy, for putting me up as a featured blogger. I'm glad I'm able to share my story with everyone and I hope it helps at least one person feel better about their CF.