Thursday, March 29, 2012

Oli & Nush

This video is called Getting Nosey about CF with Oli and Nush and it's all about what CF is from a child's perspective. It's narrated by two English children (one with CF) and it explains about enzymes, vitamins, mucus, physiotherapy, nebulizers, hospital stays, IVs, but it's all explained so that children can get an understanding of what CF is, too. This is a very child-friendly video explaining the basics of CF and I definitely recommend it for children learning about others with CF, or their own CF, too.

Since we're doing a fundraiser at my school in a couple weeks for CF/Great Strides, I thought the students should know what CF is and why we're doing the fundraiser. I don't remember where I first got information about this video, but I sent the link to the entire staff hoping that they'll show their students the week of the fundraiser. This morning we showed our kindergarten class the video and explained to them (the best we could) that I have CF. Of course they didn't fully understand, but they asked a couple questions after the video was over. Several questions involved different variations of: Do you have to get shots? Do you have to go to the doctor/hospital? And then of course they had to tell stories about how they've all been to the doctor and they've gotten shots, too. Gotta love five and six year olds! :-) We're planning on showing it to them again after we come back from spring break, during the week we're fundraising. I'm also planning on bringing in a couple pictures of me doing my Vest and nebulizers -- mostly for the adults in the room, but I'm sure the kids will get a kick out of it.
I know I've said this before, but I absolutely love and I am so lucky to be working with such a supportive staff! They're all more than willing to participate in this fundraiser at school and several of them have registered, created and purchased Colleen's Cortland Crew team shirts, and have fund-raised on their own! Thank you to every staff member of Cortland Elementary for all of your support and encouragement!

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