Sunday, January 6, 2013

More Than Just Miles

When I see or hear about non-CFers raising money and awareness for CF, it makes me feel warm and fuzzy really does! It makes me happy, proud, excited and encouraged that someone who's not physically affected by this disease is taking time out of their day to help me and the other 70,000 people world-wide with CF. THANK YOU!
Click on the picture to go to the website
I've been following this guy, Tommy Danger, on Facebook for a while (don't even remember how I found out about him) who's created More Than Just Miles (Facebook page), where he's literally running across the country to raise awareness and money for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. If you google More Than Just Miles, I'm sure you'll find several articles about this - I know he's been on the news a bit lately. Here's some information from his Facebook page:
"Running across the country to prove that every step I take, every mile I run, every day I finish will never compare to the life Ethan must complete EVERY SINGLE DAY. Raising awareness and money for the research and cure for Cystic Fibrosis and all of its victims it challenges everyday. Speaking to schools along the way to motivate children and adults to live their life, smile, and always pursue their dreams no matter what obstacle lies ahead. We are the change in the world. Fear will not stop me nor slow me down. We will find a cure!"

Ethan is the son of his good friends and he's his greatest motivation. Although Tommy is running for Ethan, I know that everyone in the CF community appreciates what he is doing. I know I do! :-)

There's one thing that Tommy is asking us to do to help out: Collect pop tabs. He'd like us to collect pop tabs til sometime in April, when he'll give us an address to mail them to. And every single dollar that he collects from the pop tabs is going straight to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation! Please check out his website and Facebook page for more information. This is an amazing thing he is doing and I'm sure he could use all of the encouragement he can get! :)


  1. Thanks for sharing this Colleen!! I love when we see this happening in our community. WE need more people like Tommy!!

  2. No problem! Hope you've started your collection of pop tops! :)

  3. That is so cool! I hadn't heard about this! I will be sharing it on my blog and Facebook. :)Thanks for sharing!
